Since then Island Defense has been canceled due to the fact that there is a new editor on the map and he deleted my subforum.
So a lot has happened since my last post.
I went with Irrlicht, this decision is final since I have so much done already lol.
LUA is being used for scripting, this is also final.
So, since then I have just been working on the game engine (with the exception of the few minutes it took me to make the script editor, it is in Java).
So here are the screenshots from the game, it will be in order they were taken (Newest to oldest).
So yesterday I added the resource system.
As of right now it is based on Island Defense, every 90 minutes you get 90 gold and every 1 minute you get 10 lumber, this can easily be changed or completely redone via scripting. Resources are displayed as text in the top right corner. Gold: xx Wood: xx.
Nothing graphical has really happened, the GUI look hasn't gotten quite where I want it yet.
Networking was completely removed, I don't want to use irrNet, it is my last resort now.
Scripting has been a great success, I will post the complete command list in the post after this.
I just added the ability to see if both mouse buttons are being held down, to do this you just use
if mouseEvent() == "Both" then
I might want to change the return value from Both though.
A rough draft of unit "hiding" is implemented, if you don't have a unit close enough to an enemy (this is determined by the unit's sight range) then enemies disappear completely and are not rendered, this is to make the game perform faster. There is also aggro added, this is determined by the unit's threat range.
AI was added at one point, but it presented problems for me and I had to remove it.
That is all for now, I have to go somewhere today so I don't expect much to get done.